It's teacher hunting season!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

He's got the whole media in his hands, exc. 1 report on NY1

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has the whole media in his hands.
The New York Times, the Daily News, the New York Post, the Village Voice all do not question the city administration. They mimick the city line about:
*rising test scores
(can be explained by watered down tests -go online and compare this year's Regents tests with those from the start of the 2000)
*graduation rates
(note the pushing weaker students, particularly those over 18 years of age, out of regular schools --hello, reporters, do some investigative reporting and talk to real, live guidance counselors)

Alas, NY1, that NYC news junkies' television station, has half a dozen video clips on the side of its site, all virtual press releases by the New York City Department of Education.
All of the above named media have abrogated their objectivity obligation. Basic training of journalists includes the ideal that reporters will not only parrot press releases (ready-to-print publicity department statements by businesses, community organizations or governments), and that they will talk to people from all sides of an issue.
We did get one exception to this shameless trend of the New York City media, New York 1 did run a story on ATR teachers and the Brooklyn ATR job fair yesterday, and they actually interviewed United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew and two frustrated veteran teachers. This balanced against press statements of Chancellor Joel Klein. Now, if they could interview James Eterno, ICE, TJC, TAG or other union dissidents, regarding the centrality of the ATR issue in the question of the future viability of the teaching profession as a professional career, or something that teachers dabble in, for five years, in the early part of their professional lives.
Watch in this link, the NY1 piece on ATR teachers.

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