It's teacher hunting season!

Monday, May 30, 2011

DOE used Parent Advocates in LIFO fight against Teachers

"The Chief" on March 25, 2011 reported, David Sims, "Local 372, UFT Claim Foul: Charge DOE Pressed Staff to Lobby Against LIFO:"
DC 37 President Santos Crespo charged that the New York City Department of Education was using Parent Coordinators to lobby against senior teachers in the Last In-First Out ("LIFO") struggle.
The DOE sent a petition from Jaclyn Berryman at Tweed's Office for Family Information and Action to at least 375 Parent Coordinators to circulate among parents and community activists that read:
We urge our elected leaders to provide New York City with its fair share of state funds and restore the proposed cuts to our public schools; reject the State's proposed changes in Building Aid, which will delay the construction of thousands of new school seats in our neighborhoods, and allow the city to keep its most effective teachers by ending the state's 'last-in, first-out' policy, allowing Teachers to be retained based on their performance, rather than just seniority.

(Notice, also, how there's the implicit pitch to have construction workers and industry people join the DOE's side in combatting experienced teachers.)

Crespo also noted that the city had previously manipulated parents in the fight against schools and teachers. The DOE mobilized Manhattan and Bronx parents to go to public meetings to support the city's plans for school closings.

The United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew also criticized the DOE's directed parent coordinators to mobilize parents and students against LIFO.
Read further, pages 1 and 7 in "The Chief," March 25, 2011.

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